"How do you know about all this AI stuff?"
I just read tweets, buddy.

#ai ethics

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@osanseviero on August 15, 2023

#ai ethics   #alignment   #bias   #rlhf   #lol   #tweets  

Filing this one under AI ethics, bias, and... media literacy?

Reminds me of the paper by Anthropic that measured model bias vs cultural bias.

@SashaMTL on July 26, 2023

#labor   #ai ethics   #behind the scenes   #tweets  

@alexjc on July 26, 2023

#ai ethics   #plagiarism   #behind the scenes   #tweets  

If you're angry about companies crawling the net to steal your text/images and train their machines using it, this one's for you! I and everyone else hate Terms of Service, but as a counterpoint to the "we need an opt-out mechanism for data collection" argument: 85% of the top domains in the LAION2B-en dataset already opt out through their TOS.

(LAION is a series of datasets of images + captions that are used to train models.)

July 5, 2023: @sashamtl

#principles and policies   #ai ethics