"How do you know about all this AI stuff?"
I just read tweets, buddy.


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How to use AI to do practical stuff: A new guide

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Bing thinks Hitler was in Radiohead | Hacker News

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@h_okumura on May 17, 2023

#uncategorized   #tweets  

Takeoff School: LangChain 101 - Prompts

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ChatFished: How to Lose Friends and Alienate People With A.I.

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LLMs are not greater than the sum of their parts: researchers | Hacker News

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He wrote a book on a rare subject. Then a ChatGPT replica appeared on Amazon.

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Collaboration is key in harnessing the power of technology and data for better story discovery

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Journalism GPT: it’s time to get serious about AI and automation in the newsroom

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Prepare for the Textpocalypse

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A Test of the News

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This is line of reasoning is a pro-tech disease: "Dangerous thing X has always b... | Hacker News

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How regulation functions:

if the only additional guardrail you support is that every time thing X occurs, it goes to the courts, then the reasonable bad actor only needs to make the rest of their operation efficient enough to profit before they go to trial.

News/Media Alliance AI Principles

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Augmenting LLMs Beyond Basic Text Completion and Transformation - Deepgram Blog ⚡️ | Deepgram

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May 4, 2023: @sjwhitmore
