"How do you know about all this AI stuff?"
I just read tweets, buddy.

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An old master? No, it’s an image AI just knocked up … and it can’t be copyrighted

#uncategorized   #link  

@Abebab on September 26, 2023

#dystopia   #therapy   #shortcomings and inflated expectations   #tweets  

@TylerGlaiel on September 25, 2023

#uncategorized   #tweets  

@dmvaldman on September 22, 2023

#uncategorized   #tweets  

@jeremyphoward on September 24, 2023

#uncategorized   #tweets  

@dlberes on September 25, 2023

#uncategorized   #tweets  

@_jasonwei on September 27, 2023

#evaluation   #tweets  

@josephfcox on September 25, 2023

#uncategorized   #tweets  

@emilymbender on September 24, 2023

#uncategorized   #tweets  

‘Robots can help issue a fatwa’: Iran’s clerics look to harness AI | Financial Times

#uncategorized   #link  

Trolling chatbots with made-up memes

#uncategorized   #link  

@ArmandDoma on September 24, 2023

#uncategorized   #tweets  

@Yampeleg on September 27, 2023

#behind the scenes   #law and regulation   #training   #tweets  

@vanstriendaniel on September 26, 2023

#uncategorized   #tweets  

@ESYudkowsky on September 28, 2023

#lol   #dystopia   #tweets