@_akhaliq on August 15, 2023

#bias   #tweets  

Okay so no feathers but this is perfect:

In this work, we introduce a new task Skull2Animal for translating between skulls and living animals.

You thought that was it? Oh no no no – the deeper you go, the more morbid it gets:

With the skull images collected, corresponding living animals needed to be collected. The Skull2Animal dataset consists of 4 different types of mammals: dogs (Skull2Dog), cats (Skull2Cat), leopards (Skull2Leopard), and foxes (Skull2Fox). The living animals of the dataset are sampled from the AFHQ.

Skulls aside, this is to be my go-to example of AI perpetuating culturally-ingrained bias. Dinosaurs look like this because we say dinosaurs look like this. Jurassic Park was a lie!

Dinosaur with features

While attempting to find problematic dino representations from Jurassic Park beyond lack of feathers, I came across a BuzzFeed list of 14 Times Jurassic Park Lied To You About Dinosaurs. It's actually a really good, well-sourced list. I think you'll learn a lot by reading it.

Paper on arxiv, which seems to actually be all about dogs despite the title. Here's some more nightmare fuel as compensation:

Dinosaur with features