"How do you know about all this AI stuff?"
I just read tweets, buddy.

#ai detection

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@themarkup on August 14, 2023

#bias   #education   #ai detection   #tweets  

AI detectors are all garbage, but add this one to the pile of reasons not to use them.

@emollick on August 11, 2023

#education   #ai detection   #tweets  

From The Homework Apocalypse:

Students will cheat with AI. But they also will begin to integrate AI into everything they do, raising new questions for educators. Students will want to understand why they are doing assignments that seem obsolete thanks to AI. They will want to use AI as a learning companion, a co-author, or a teammate. They will want to accomplish more than they did before, and also want answers about what AI means for their future learning paths. Schools will need to decide how to respond to this flood of questions.

OpenAI Quietly Shuts Down Its AI Detection Tool - Decrypt

#education   #plagiarism   #ai detection   #link  

Thank god, one less tool for professors to use to accuse everyone of plagiarism.

@FractalEcho on July 19, 2023

#ai detection   #tweets  

@benjedwards on July 14, 2023

#education   #plagiarism   #ai detection   #tweets  

If the student has taken any steps to disguise that it was AI, you're never going to detect it. You best bet is having read enough awful, verbose generative text output to get a feel for the garbage it outputs when asked to write essays.

While most instructors are going to be focused on whether it can successfully detect AI-written content, the true danger is detecting AI-generated content where there isn't any. In short, AI detectors look for predictable text. This is a problem because boring students writing boring essays on boring topics write predictable text.

As the old saying goes, "it is better that 10 AI-generated essays go free than that 1 human-generated essay be convicted."

@ben_levinstein on July 10, 2023

#ai detection   #papers   #tweets   #evaluation  

The paper is here. It's sadly not about AI detection, but rather whether large language models have a model of the world or are just faking it. If you come in thinking it's the former you're rather quickly brought to your senses:

Do large language models (LLMs) have beliefs? And, if they do, how might we measure them?

June 30, 2023: @janellecshane

#plagiarism   #education   #ai detection  

May 17, 2023: @ndiakopoulos

#plagiarism   #education   #challenges   #ai detection  

Actual article is here: Instructor Accuses Texas A&M Class of Using ChatGPT, Withholds Grades

β€œIn Grading your last three assignments I have opened my own account for Chat GTP [sic],” the teacher wrote. β€œI copy and paste your responses in this account and Chat GTP will tell me if the program generated the content. I put everyone's last three assignments through two separate times and if they were both claimed by Chat GTP you received a 0.”

Sigh. The big problem is while this is obviously very very silly, there are plenty of tools that claim to be AI detectors. They don't work.