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#context window

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Long context prompting for Claude 2.1

#context window   #evaluations   #limitations   #token limits   #link  

You know the "Long in the Middle" hubbub about long contexts only being good at the start and end? Turns out it's just because Claude doesn't trust non-sequiturs dropped in the middle of a longer text!

If you add "Here is the most relevant sentence in the context:" to the start of Claude's response, you wind up rocketing from 27% accuracy up to 98%!

Is this sort of prompt adjustment in line with what we're looking for with accuracy? I think it isn't unreasonable to treat an LLM like a person in terms of preferences and personality quirks, and while being vaguely distrustful is pretty anthropomorphic it seems fine by me.

@arankomatsuzaki on July 07, 2023

#evaluation   #token limit   #context window   #tweets