"How do you know about all this AI stuff?"
I just read tweets, buddy.


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@dystopiabreaker on October 05, 2023

#suzuha   #tweets   #dystopia   #humanity   #responsibility   #blame   #dystopiabreaker  

@Rahll on January 08, 2024

#ethics   #dystopia   #tweets  

@daithaigilbert on December 15, 2023

#dystopia   #tweets   #journalism  

Welcome to the future! Story here (paywall skip)

It's honestly worth reading, every paragraph is a new list of Bad Stuff! Here's an example of doubling down on hallucinations:

The chatbot responded quickly, stating that Funiciello was alleged to have received money from a lobbying group financed by pharmaceutical companies in order to advocate for the legalization of cannabis products. But the entire corruption allegation against Funiciello was an AI hallucination. To “back up” its baseless allegations, the chatbot linked to five different websites including Funiciello’s own website, her Wikipedia page, a news article where the lawmaker highlights the problem of femicide in Switzerland, and an interview she gave with a mainstream Swiss broadcaster about the issue of consent.

And in its (ineffective) race to protect from the Bad Stuff, it isn't even good at the easy stuff:

In their study, the researchers concluded that a third of the answers given by Copilot contained factual errors and that the tool was “an unreliable source of information for voters.” In 31 percent of the smaller subset of recorded conversations, they found that Copilot offered inaccurate answers, some of which were made up entirely.

Facebook Is Being Overrun With Stolen, AI-Generated Images That People Think Are Real

#dystopia   #facebook   #spam content and pink slime   #link  

A financial news site uses AI to copy competitors — wholesale | Semafor

#pink slime   #journalism   #dystopia   #link  

Sports Illustrated Published Articles by Fake, AI-Generated Writers

#journalism   #dystopia   #capitalism   #link  


@realonlineboy on November 30, 2023

#lol   #capitalism   #dystopia   #tweets  

Is this really true??

@mmitchell_ai on November 10, 2023

#shortcomings and inflated expectations   #lol   #dystopia   #tweets  

@jburnmurdoch on November 10, 2023

#labor   #freelance jobs   #dystopia   #tweets  

@_FelixSimon_ on November 09, 2023

#misinformation and disinformation   #shortcomings and inflated expectation   #society   #dystopia   #tweets  

Adobe is selling fake AI images of the war in Israel-Gaza

#dystopia   #generative art and visuals   #journalism   #misinformation and disinformation   #link  

@Abebab on September 26, 2023

#dystopia   #therapy   #shortcomings and inflated expectations   #tweets  

@ESYudkowsky on September 28, 2023

#lol   #dystopia   #tweets  

@jathansadowski on September 26, 2023

#dystopia   #therapy   #shortcomings and inflated expectations   #tweets  

@k_pendergrast on September 26, 2023

#dystopia   #therapy   #shortcomings and inflated expectations   #tweets   #lol