"How do you know about all this AI stuff?"
I just read tweets, buddy.


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@lefthanddraft on April 09, 2024

#summarization   #hallucinations   #tweets  

The paper got another post

@chris_j_paxton on April 11, 2024

#uncategorized   #tweets  

@infobeautiful on April 10, 2024

#randomness   #shortcomings and inflated expectations   #tweets  

ChatGPT loves to pick 42 as a random number. Of course GPT-4 can run some Python code to correct it, this could help some folks think about the non-random nature of things they assume might be random when they ask GPT to "choose."

@nathanbenaich on April 11, 2024

#uncategorized   #tweets  

@IrisVanRooij on April 10, 2024

#cognition   #tweets  

It's kind of obvious that most people involved in this AI hype-cycle today are excited because they assume continuous "infinite" improvements over time. But what they seem to fail to take into account is the embedded error rates (as these are heuristic systems by definition) that you'll never be able to get rid of.


We may very well get a decent AI based text summarization tool, but it will certainly have to use a different model than current architectures imo.

@toncijukic on April 06, 2024

#lol   #hallucinations   #shortcomings and inflated expectations   #tweets  

@paul_rottger on February 27, 2024

#uncategorized   #tweets  

@rasmus_kleis on February 23, 2024

#journalism   #business   #lol   #tweets  

Love it, filing under #lol for pain.

@OpenAIDevs on April 09, 2024

#gpt-4   #vision   #projects   #tweets  

These are honestly not that interesting.

@Abebab on April 06, 2024

#ethics   #tweets  

I think red teaming by people who want the system to fail is probably your best bet. Get some real haters on board.

@mark_riedl on April 04, 2024

#uncategorized   #tweets  

@VictorTaelin on April 05, 2024

#uncategorized   #tweets  

@sagitz_ on April 04, 2024

#uncategorized   #tweets  

@972mag on April 03, 2024

#uncategorized   #tweets  

@ericgrimani on April 01, 2024

#uncategorized   #tweets