"How do you know about all this AI stuff?"
I just read tweets, buddy.

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Just a moment...

#uncategorized   #link  

@disconcision on October 14, 2023

#uncategorized   #tweets  

@OregonState on October 24, 2023

#uncategorized   #tweets  

AI researchers uncover ethical, legal risks to using popular data sets

#uncategorized   #link  

@FoldableHuman on October 14, 2023

#uncategorized   #tweets  

@nickfloats on October 19, 2023

#uncategorized   #tweets  

@LangChainAI on October 20, 2023

#uncategorized   #tweets  

@nearcyan on October 24, 2023

#uncategorized   #tweets  

@ruochenz_ on May 24, 2023

#uncategorized   #tweets  

@parisba on November 01, 2023

#uncategorized   #tweets  

@timnitGebru on October 17, 2023

#uncategorized   #tweets  

@goinggodward on October 12, 2023

#personas   #society   #tweets  

@Sacha_Altay on October 11, 2023

#ethics   #journalism   #disclosure   #journalism   #tweets  

@omarsar0 on October 12, 2023

#fact-checking   #hallucinations   #tweets  

@jxmnop on October 12, 2023

#embeddings   #Python   #tweets