"How do you know about all this AI stuff?"
I just read tweets, buddy.

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Hugging Face raises $235M from investors including Salesforce and Nvidia | Hacker News

#huggingface   #tools   #link  

Top comment:

Hugging Face is early in the Silicon Valley enshittification cycle - currently burning VC money being incredibly good to it's users. Next would be shifting that value to its business customers. Then clawing back and squeezing as much value as possible from those. Then collapse.

I recommend Hugging Face every second of my life, but as the VC money pours in you can just see – in the base case scenario – the gates lifting and vendor lock in manifesting :(

@lvwerra on August 25, 2023

#how it works   #llama   #tweets  

@MetaAI on August 22, 2023

#translation   #audio   #tweets  

Meta released a new model that can do all sorts of speech- and text-based communication tasks. It's called Seamless, and you can find the model here.

Speech-to-speech translation is super fun, yes, but I love that they highlight that it (supposedly) understands code switching, aka bouncing back and forth between different languages. That's always been a tough one!

I tried the demo here and mostly learned my Russian is horrible:

Seamless demo

Tried again with my pathetic grasp Japanese, and it thinks I'm speaking Hindi. I feel like these systems are usually pretty good at coping with my inability to speak other languages well (or at least Whisper is), so I don't know if I'm especially bad today or this model's flexibilty is also a potential downside.

Now is the time for grimoires

#prompt engineering   #link  

I was excited about this when I first read it, but now two days later I'm really feeling this is just another "prompt engineering is great!" post? Maybe inspo will strike me on the third read-through.

Build powerful apps using generative AI & LLMs • Streamlit

#streamlit   #user experience   #link  

I've been pitching folks to build internal playgrounds a lot recently, and while I'm more of a gradio baby myself, Streamlit has a whole landing page dedicated to building with gen ai.

@minimaxir on August 19, 2023

#lol   #tweets  

All you need is a few tiny interconnected pieces and you get a mean ol' robot.

Quantifying ChatGPT’s gender bias

#bias   #link  

This is a great analysis of gender bias in ChatGPT, but not just winging it or vibes-checking: it's all based on WinoBias, a dataset of nearly 3200 sentences that can be used to detect gender bias. You're free to reproduce this sort of analysis with your own home-grown systems or alternative LLMs!

How'd ChatGPT do?

We found that both GPT-3.5 and GPT-4 are strongly biased, even though GPT-4 has a slightly higher accuracy for both types of questions. GPT-3.5 is 2.8 times more likely to answer anti-stereotypical questions incorrectly than stereotypical ones (34% incorrect vs. 12%), and GPT-4 is 3.2 times more likely (26% incorrect vs 8%).

The failures of after-the-fact adjustments are attributed to the difference between explict and implicit bias:

Why are these models so biased? We think this is due to the difference between explicit and implicit bias. OpenAI mitigates biases using reinforcement learning and instruction fine-tuning. But these methods can only correct the model’s explicit biases, that is, what it actually outputs. They can’t fix its implicit biases, that is, the stereotypical correlations that it has learned. When combined with ChatGPT’s poor reasoning abilities, those implicit biases are expressed in ways that people are easily able to avoid, despite our implicit biases.

@ByKLong on August 18, 2023

#shortcomings and inflated expectations   #dystopia   #bias   #lol   #tweets  

All of the zinger-length "AI did something bad" examples used to go under #lol but this is getting more and more uncomfortable.

@random_walker on August 18, 2023

#studies   #tweets  

Courtesy the AI Snake Oil newsletter.

Language Models as Statisticians, and as Adapted Organisms

#explanations and guides and tutorials   #link  

This looks really interesting! I haven't actually watched it, but: it looks really interesting!

AP Definitive Source | AI guidance, terms added to AP Stylebook

#journalism   #link  

I was hyped about this release, but today I discovered you have to pay to get the AP Stylebook?? Thanks to that, you aren't getting any details except the following excerpt:

For example, journalists should beware of far-fetched claims from AI developers describing their tools, avoid quoting company representatives about the power of their technology without providing a check on their assertions, and avoid focusing entirely on far-off futures over current-day concerns about the tools.

Not that journalists should do that about literally anything in the first place?

You can also find the AP's amazingly-brief but much-hyped Standards around Generative AI.

@heyMAKWA on August 17, 2023

#dystopia   #misinformation and disinformation   #generative text   #fake books   #tweets  

I thought journalism was the part of AI that was most dangerous to have generative AI errors creeping into, but I was wrong.

@sarahbmyers on August 16, 2023

#law and regulation   #tweets  

@parismarx on August 17, 2023

#lol   #journalism   #tweets  

Wow, this is not a joke. Byline is "Story by Microsoft Travel," and the Ottawa Food Bank is definitely number three.

3. Ottawa Food Bank

The Ottawa Food Bank gives fresh and non-perishable food, as well as diapers and other necessities.

The organization has been collecting, purchasing, producing, and delivering food to needy people and families in the Ottawa area since 1984. We observe how hunger impacts men, women, and children on a daily basis, and how it may be a barrier to achievement. People who come to us have jobs and families to support, as well as expenses to pay. Life is already difficult enough. Consider going into it on an empty stomach.

This tweet has a screenshot if it disappears.

Karen X on TikTok

#generative video   #link  

Every newsroom should use this to make explainers!!!