@_philschmid on July 18, 2023

#llama   #models   #fine-tuning   #open models   #tweets  

Meta has officially released LLaMA 2, a new model that's easily useable on our dear friend Hugging Face (here's a random space with it as a chatbot). The most important change compared to the first iteration is that commercial usage is explicitly allowed. Back when the original LLaMA was leaked, trying to use it to make sweet sweet dollars was a bit of a legal no-no.

In addition, this tweet from @younes gives you a script to fine-tune it using QLoRA, which apparently allows babies without infinite resources to wield these tools:

Leveraging 4bit, you can even fine-tune the largest model (70B) in a single A100 80GB GPU card!

Get at it, I guess?