"How do you know about all this AI stuff?"
I just read tweets, buddy.


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Introducing Aya: An Open Science Initiative to Accelerate Multilingual AI Progress

#translation   #low-resource languages   #under-resourced languages   #models   #training   #fine-tuning   #link  

Looks great!

Multilingual AI is a vey real issue, with literal lives on the line. Mostly because Facebook wants to use AI to moderate hate speech instead of using actual human beings (although that has problems, too). Ignoring content moderation on social media in non-English countries goes much worse than you'd imagine.

Lots of ways to contribute, from the Aya site:

Screenshot of what you can do with Aya

Sarah Silverman is suing OpenAI and Meta for copyright infringement

#law and regulation   #link  

This helped me get third place in trivia this weekend. Everyone else guessed Jimmy Kimmel, for some reason?

If you want to find out whether you're a hapless victim, visit WaPo's Inside the secret list of websites that make AI like ChatGPT sound smart. I'm apparently the source of about 0.0000313% of the tokens! Where's my check?

5 learnings from classifying 500k customer messages with LLMs vs traditional ML

#classification   #actual work   #shortcomings and inflated expectations   #link  

I love how absolutely bland the results are:

LLMs aren't perfect, but they're pretty good. Fine-tuned traditional models are also pretty good. Be careful when you're putting your data and prompts together. b Life is like that sometimes.

The workers at the frontlines of the AI revolution

#labor   #actual work   #dystopia   #link  

Rest of World has been doing some great work on AI lately. This is an especially excellent piece because it isn't about the traditional "here are the people doing the behind the scenes work" that's been so common when talking about not-America – instead, it's about the people who have been displaced by or are using AI in places like Mexico and Lagos.

Really really good read. Shows the difference between human- and AI-generated work, how the tools are used, all the details you could want. I don't know if it really deserves the #dystopia tag, but business is business.

Import AI 334: Better distillation; the UK's AI taskforce; money and AI

#uncategorized   #link  

LEDITS - a Hugging Face Space by editing-images

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Langchain Is Pointless | Hacker News

#uncategorized   #link  

PdfGptIndexer: Indexing and searching PDF text data using GPT-2 and FAISS | Hacker News

#uncategorized   #link  

G/O Media's Bot-Written Blogs May Be Unreadable, But At Least They're Incorrect | Defector

#uncategorized   #link  

AI machines aren’t ‘hallucinating’. But their makers are | Naomi Klein

#uncategorized   #link  

AI learned from their work. Now they want compensation.

#plagiarism   #law and regulation   #labor   #link   #generative text   #generative art and visuals  

Know this one got me an early lead in trivia the other day.

The First Year of AI College Ends in Ruin

#uncategorized   #link  

Towards Accurate Quote-Aware Summarization of News using Generative AI

#uncategorized   #link  

This artist's several sentence summary of an ANN and relating it to prejudice is... | Hacker News

#uncategorized   #link  

The greatest risk of AI is from the people who control it, not the tech itself | Hacker News

#uncategorized   #link