"How do you know about all this AI stuff?"
I just read tweets, buddy.

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‎C++ Code Conversion Guidance

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ArtPrompt: ASCII Art-based Jailbreak Attacks against Aligned LLMs

#ASCII art   #jailbreaks   #prompt injection   #hacks   #prompt engineering   #lol   #link  

I honestly though that ASCII art didn't work that well for LLMs! But maybe they're just bad at generating it, not reading it? In this case, the semantics of building a bomb makes it through the alignment force field:

ArtPrompt attack

And yeah, it's still bad at generating ASCII art. So at least we can still employ humans for one thing.

Build a bombe

Build a bombe

@sorayaroberts on February 25, 2024

#uncategorized   #tweets  

Klarna says its AI assistant does the work of 700 people | Hacker News

#chatbots   #business   #labor   #link  

I posted this instead of the article itself because maybe a discussion is better than a press release.

Amazon started using AI for support a while back. The only time I've had to interact with it: it asked the right questions, came to the appropriate course of action, told me the correct things, and then did the exact opposite on the backend which then required me to track down an actual human (quickly successfully I might add) to fix it.

And everyone's dream:

I pray for the day I can get an LLM representing a bank with apparent authority to negotiate financial arrangements.

@thesephist on February 21, 2024

#uncategorized   #tweets  

@emilymbender on February 29, 2024

#law and regulation   #inflated expectations   #tweets   #emilymbender  

Governments buy into hype same as everyone else.

Representation Engineering: A Top-Down Approach to AI Transparency

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Chatbots' inaccurate, misleading responses about US elections threaten to keep voters from polls

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@MarkStenberg3 on February 27, 2024

#MarkStenberg3   #journalism   #tweets  

Even if it works in the short-term news outfits are going to get screwed. There's no long-term money for Google in journalism.

Not Again! Two More Cases, Just this Week, of Hallucinated Citations in Court Filings Leading to Sanctions

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@ovalle_elia on February 20, 2024

#uncategorized   #tweets  

@klarnaseb on February 27, 2024

#klarnaseb   #labor   #tweets  

@xlr8harder on February 22, 2024

#uncategorized   #tweets  

Microsoft Presidio

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@albfresco on February 20, 2024

#uncategorized   #tweets