"How do you know about all this AI stuff?"
I just read tweets, buddy.

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@gquaggiotto on July 12, 2023

#under-resourced languages   #low-resource languages   #business of AI   #tweets  

@mmitchell_ai on July 12, 2023

#labor   #behind the scenes   #business of AI   #tweets  

Read the thread, there are a lot lot lot of useful links in there. I won't even put them here because there are so many (...and Twitter has better previews).

@jeremyphoward on July 11, 2023

#law and regulation   #doomerism and TESCREAL   #labor   #tweets  

I love but this is an incredibly silly argument against regulation.

But if AI turns out to be powerful, the proposal [for regulation] may actually make things worse, by creating a power imbalance so severe that it leads to the destruction of society.

My ears cannot possibly perk up any higher. So severe it leads to the destruction of society? Thanks for the warning, bub. It then goes on to talk about all of the underhanded elements of society that develop their own evil AI models while we sit around lamely hamstrung by things like "laws" and "ethics."

But those with full access to AI models have enormous advantages over those limited to “safe” interfaces.

And those needing full access can simply train their own models from scratch, or exfiltrate existing ones through blackmail, bribery, or theft.

"If we regulate AI only the bad guys will have AI," never heard anything like that before.

@AnthropicAI on July 11, 2023

#evaluation   #tweets  

As with all evaluations, please take with one rather large grain of salt.

@NPCollapse on July 11, 2023

#doomerism and TESCREAL   #tweets  

The workers at the frontlines of the AI revolution

#labor   #actual work   #dystopia   #link  

Rest of World has been doing some great work on AI lately. This is an especially excellent piece because it isn't about the traditional "here are the people doing the behind the scenes work" that's been so common when talking about not-America – instead, it's about the people who have been displaced by or are using AI in places like Mexico and Lagos.

Really really good read. Shows the difference between human- and AI-generated work, how the tools are used, all the details you could want. I don't know if it really deserves the #dystopia tag, but business is business.

@CoolsHannes on July 10, 2023

#journalism   #standards and guidelines   #tweets  

@swyx on July 10, 2023


@gdb on July 10, 2023

#shortcomings and inflated expectations   #tweets  

@ThomasSimonini on July 10, 2023

#games   #tweets  

@browserdotsys on July 10, 2023

#lol   #misinformation and disinformation   #tweets  

I don't know, this might just be my favorite tweet of all time.

@emollick on July 10, 2023

#papers   #tweets   #spam content and pink slime  

I'm assuming this is overstated, but SF magazine Clarkesworld had to pause submissions due to a flood of AI submissions so it isn't out of the realm of possibility.

@AJR_English on July 10, 2023

#journalism   #actual work   #tweets  

This is weak. I'm tired of generic advice.

@hwchase17 on July 10, 2023

#langchain   #agents and tools   #tweets  

This is very much related to Generative Agents: Interactive Simulacra of Human Behavior, where 25 GPT-simulated characters hung out in a simulated town.

“Generative agents wake up, cook breakfast, and head to work,” the researchers wrote in a preprint paper posted to the arXiv outlining the project. “Artists paint, while authors write; they form opinions, and notice each other, and initiate conversations; they remember and reflect on days past as they plan the next day.”

The interesting part of the paper (IMO) is less NPC's planning parties and more the reflective process they use to create memories to carry forward. It's basically REM sleep.

@ben_levinstein on July 10, 2023

#ai detection   #papers   #tweets   #evaluation  

The paper is here. It's sadly not about AI detection, but rather whether large language models have a model of the world or are just faking it. If you come in thinking it's the former you're rather quickly brought to your senses:

Do large language models (LLMs) have beliefs? And, if they do, how might we measure them?