"How do you know about all this AI stuff?"
I just read tweets, buddy.


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Long context prompting for Claude 2.1

#context window   #evaluations   #limitations   #token limits   #link  

You know the "Long in the Middle" hubbub about long contexts only being good at the start and end? Turns out it's just because Claude doesn't trust non-sequiturs dropped in the middle of a longer text!

If you add "Here is the most relevant sentence in the context:" to the start of Claude's response, you wind up rocketing from 27% accuracy up to 98%!

Is this sort of prompt adjustment in line with what we're looking for with accuracy? I think it isn't unreasonable to treat an LLM like a person in terms of preferences and personality quirks, and while being vaguely distrustful is pretty anthropomorphic it seems fine by me.

@AnthropicAI on November 21, 2023

#anthropic   #claude   #limitations   #tweets  

The craziest part is probably the "2x decrease in false statements". The whole thread is an interesting read, though, that illustrates LLMs are not as good as you think they are.

@GregKamradt on November 21, 2023

#context length   #hallucinations   #limitations   #claude   #gpt-4   #models   #tweets  

@JanelleCShane on November 11, 2023

#shortcomings and inflated expectations   #limitations   #generative art and visuals   #tweets  

@DrJimFan on November 11, 2023

#limitations   #tweets  

@daveyalba on October 11, 2023

#models   #evaluation   #limitations   #tweets  

@mmitchell_ai on September 27, 2023

#limitations   #dunking   #therapy   #tweets  

@jackclarkSF on September 23, 2023

#prompt engineering   #limitations   #tweets  

@iamtrask on September 22, 2023

#limitations   #explanations and guides and tutorials   #tweets  

It's a solid thread, but is a little long so I'm dropping you into what I think is the good bit. It's a take on the "A is B, B is A" generalizations paper.

@StructStories on September 23, 2023

#limitations   #tweets  

@OwainEvans_UK on September 22, 2023

#models   #evaluation   #limitations   #tweets  

Note that this is only for fine-tuned data, not content included in the prompt.

@parismarx on September 01, 2023

#limitations   #tweets  

July 5, 2023: @velocciraptor

#limitations   #labor   #spam content and pink slime   #journalism   #dystopia  

July 2, 2023: @rainmaker1973

#lol   #limitations   #ethics   #shortcomings and inflated expectations  

June 15, 2023: @niemanlab

#journalism   #hallucinations   #limitations  

I'm going to be honest with you, I hate this article: it's a lot of "oh we're ALMOST THERE" kind of hand-wavy talk. The reality of journalism is that the details and being absolutely correct are the only things that matter.