"How do you know about all this AI stuff?"
I just read tweets, buddy.


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@Kyatic on November 16, 2023

#generative art and visuals   #plagiarism   #tweets  

@atomless on November 17, 2023

#reading list   #tweets  

@mikarv on November 20, 2023

#open models   #marketplaces   #behind the scenes   #politics   #tweets  

You can follow this up with 404 Media's Hugging Face Removes Singing AI Models of Xi Jinping But Not of Biden

@emilymbender on November 15, 2023

#uncategorized   #tweets  

@simonw on November 15, 2023

#uncategorized   #tweets  

@GregKamradt on November 21, 2023

#context length   #hallucinations   #limitations   #claude   #gpt-4   #models   #tweets  

@hwchase17 on November 17, 2023

#RAGs   #retrieval-augmented generation   #tweets  

@_inesmontani on November 14, 2023

#models   #evalution   #BERT   #tweets  

@JanelleCShane on November 11, 2023

#shortcomings and inflated expectations   #limitations   #generative art and visuals   #tweets  

@mmitchell_ai on November 10, 2023

#shortcomings and inflated expectations   #lol   #dystopia   #tweets  

@HuaxiuYaoML on November 07, 2023

#bias   #papers   #tweets  

@DrJimFan on November 11, 2023

#limitations   #tweets  

@RSF_inter on November 10, 2023

#journalism   #tweets  

@jburnmurdoch on November 10, 2023

#labor   #freelance jobs   #dystopia   #tweets  

@kanateven on November 09, 2023

#security   #tweets