"How do you know about all this AI stuff?"
I just read tweets, buddy.

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May 29, 2023: @arankomatsuzaki

#agents and tools   #papers  

May 29, 2023: @lathropa


May 28, 2023: @zn2plusc

#plagiarism   #generative art and visuals  

This tweet was about someone who won a book cover illustration contest, was suspected of using AI, denied it, and then the internet went super detective-y on them. Turns out that without a doubt the cover was generated by Midjourney. Really good reading, highly recommended.

While AI detection doesn't really work, the people using the AI are plenty likely to make mistakes that you can catch.

May 28, 2023: @thebrianpenny

#plagiarism   #generative art and visuals  

May 28, 2023: @shaughnessy119

#embeddings   #explanations and guides and tutorials  

Here’s What Happens When Your Lawyer Uses ChatGPT

#uncategorized   #link  

May 27, 2023: @simonw

#lol   #failures   #real-world experience  

May 27, 2023: @jeff_bilbro

#literature and science fiction   #limitations   #lol  

May 27, 2023: @d_feldman

#limitations   #lol   #hallucinations   #law and regulation   #fact-checking   #failures  

We're going to see a lot of people doubling down on the (accidental? incidental?) falsehoods spread by ChatGPT.

May 27, 2023: @cwhowell123


May 27, 2023: @simonw

#real-world experience  

May 27, 2023: @luc_ai_insights


May 27, 2023: @d_feldman

#limitations   #lol   #hallucinations   #law and regulation   #failures  

May 26, 2023: @arankomatsuzaki

#papers   #limitations  

May 26, 2023: @drjimfan

#gaming   #agents and tools   #papers  

Any Minecraft-related paper is great! Not for any love of Minecraft, but because of how it illustrations methods of connecting language models to the "real" world outside of talking to a chatbot.