"How do you know about all this AI stuff?"
I just read tweets, buddy.

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May 23, 2023: @samim


I can't for the life of me find a citation for this, but prior to recorded music films would feature live musical accompaniment. Once you could just play a record, though, it all fell by the wayside and many, many people lost their jobs. If you have a citation with numbers for this, please let me know!

May 23, 2023: @yoavgo

#embeddings   #papers  

May 22, 2023: @blancheminerva

#law and regulation   #algorithms  

May 22, 2023: @shayneredford


Meta AI announces Massive Multilingual Speech code, models for 1000+ languages | Hacker News

#uncategorized   #link  

@DrJimFan on May 22, 2023

#uncategorized   #tweets  

May 22, 2023: @cwolferesearch

#alignment   #fine-tuning   #models  

May 22, 2023: @shrimpjaj

#generative art and visuals   #lol  

May 19, 2023: @taliaringer

#lol   #tokens   #models   #failures  

I love these magic words. Read more here.

May 18, 2023: @orugario_

#literature and science fiction   #dystopia  

May 18, 2023: @bcmerchant

#labor   #journalism  

GPT detectors are biased against non-native English writers | Hacker News

#uncategorized   #link  

How to use AI to do practical stuff: A new guide

#uncategorized   #link  

May 17, 2023: @ndiakopoulos

#hallucinations   #misinformation and disinformation  

Language models that are continually updated sound good, but in practice they're the person who repeats something they just heard but doesn't have the capacity to think critically about it (sometimes that's me, but you don't trust me like you trust ChatGPT).

May 17, 2023: @ndiakopoulos

#plagiarism   #education   #challenges   #ai detection  

Actual article is here: Instructor Accuses Texas A&M Class of Using ChatGPT, Withholds Grades

β€œIn Grading your last three assignments I have opened my own account for Chat GTP [sic],” the teacher wrote. β€œI copy and paste your responses in this account and Chat GTP will tell me if the program generated the content. I put everyone's last three assignments through two separate times and if they were both claimed by Chat GTP you received a 0.”

Sigh. The big problem is while this is obviously very very silly, there are plenty of tools that claim to be AI detectors. They don't work.